Corporate Formation

The first step in turning your business idea into a company is to decide on a business name and corporate structure. We are here to help you register your corporate entity including publishing, and set up the articles of incorporation and company by-laws. Flat fee pricing helps you plan your initial start-up costs.

Trademark Registration

Registering your trademark is a crucial step in protecting your brand identity and maintaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. With the increasingly saturated business landscape and ever-growing digital presence, it has become more important than ever to secure legal protection for your brand through trademark registration.


The type of business you choose influences the licenses and permits you need, your insurance liability, and your tax responsibilities. In addition, there are human resource compliance issues and industry-specific compliance issues. We will research the requirements for your new business and location.

Contracts and Other Agreements

We understand the significance of well-drafted and carefully reviewed contracts to the success and protection of your business. Whether you require a contract to be drafted from scratch or need expert assistance in reviewing an existing contract, we take the time to understand the unique nuances of your business and tailor contracts to meet your specific needs.

Partnership Agreements

A partnership agreement is a vital legal document that serves as a blueprint for the roles and responsibilities of each partner. This document should protect the partnership interests and confidential information while preventing confusion, promoting efficiency, minimizing conflicts, defining conflict resolution, and overall enhancing business productivity.

Business Dissolution

Business dissolution is an unfortunate but sometimes unavoidable aspect of the corporate world. Whether due to financial difficulties, leadership disputes, market changes, or other reasons, businesses may find themselves facing the need to dissolve. In such situations, having a well-thought-out plan becomes crucial to ensure a smooth and organized process.